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5 Lip-Smacking Packaged Snacks for Diabetics

A change in the diet is one of the key factors to manage diabetes. You might have to add and remove certain foods from your list to keep insulin levels under check. However, preparing snacks on the go can be difficult if you have a busy schedule. Nutritionists suggest that you don’t have to compromise on taste when managing diabetes. The following quick, lip-smacking packaged snacks can help effectively manage diabetes.


5 Snacks for Kids to Enjoy

Getting kids to eat healthily can really be a task. Add to this their constant hunger pangs and cravings for snacks. Most kids usually reach out for unhealthy foods to munch on – chips, fries, pretzels, you know the deal. Although these foods may curb their hunger pangs, they are not good in the longer run. Here are some healthy snacks that kids will enjoy.


5 Foods That Worsen Arthritis Symptoms

Arthritis affects millions of adults between the ages of 18 and 64 in the country. If left unchecked, the symptoms of this chronic condition can also severely result in joint and mobility problems. However, with early diagnosis the condition can be better managed in the long run as there is no cure. Diet as well as lifestyle modifications help reduce the risk of complications. Here are a few changes to get you started:


5 Foods to Avoid for Lung Health

Several disorders such as asthma, COPD, and bronchitis can cause the respiratory system to become weak. These disorders require a person to make several changes in their lifestyle to prevent flare-ups and complications. Following a balanced diet can help prevent the onset of the said conditions. There are certain foods that can hurt a weakened respiratory system. These foods can worsen the condition and aggravate the symptoms.
Here is a list of foods that must be avoided.


5 Energy boosting Foods for COPD Patients

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD is a group of progressive lung diseases, such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and refractory asthma. COPD takes a couple of years to develop and show any symptoms. However, there are certain risk factors that make one susceptible to the disease. Food is a very important part of managing COPD. Here are energy-boosting foods to eat for COPD patients.


Foods to Eat and Avoid to Reduce Cholesterol

Diet plays a crucial role in helping the body carry out certain functions. One of these tasks includes producing cholesterol, a fatty substance found in cells that aids in digestion and helps make hormones. Cholesterol is made up of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (LDL), and triglycerides. Any imbalance in these elements can trigger cholesterol-related health problems. However, making a few simple changes in the diet can reduce cholesterol.


6 Lifestyle Tips for Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis causes severe inflammation in the large intestine, causing sores and ulcers in the colon. There are at least nine to 20 cases of ulcerative colitis per 100,000 people in the country. Ulcerative colitis symptoms can be overwhelming both physically and mentally as it is a chronic, long-term disease. However, making necessary dietary changes can help manage the condition. Here are six do’s and don’ts to help manage ulcerative colitis.


4 Simple Changes to Manage Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness that affects a person’s ability to feel emotions, think logically, and behave appropriately in situations. The cause is unknown, and the symptoms include impairments in speech, disorganized activities or behavior, or decreased participation in daily activities. Treatment can be done only to improve one’s quality of life. This includes making certain dietary changes. But, understand, a diet simply cannot cure the condition; it can only help manage the symptoms.


Foods to Eat and Avoid for Managing Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis or eczema is a skin disorder that leads to redness, itchiness, and skin inflammation. The intensity of the symptoms can range from mild to moderate, and the frequency of flare-ups can also vary from one person to another. While medications can help prevent or treat flare-ups, a mindful diet goes a long way in managing the condition. Here are some of the best and worst foods for atopic dermatitis patients.