
Different Factors that Can Trigger Migraines

The differences between headaches and migraines are quite a few. And most forms of headaches exhibit mild to moderate symptoms associated with pain with a low chance of recurrence. However, migraines can trigger moderate to severe discomforts linked to pain with recurring symptoms. There are a few overlapping symptoms, but you must also be aware of the key distinguishing elements between the two conditions. Here are the top triggers, symptoms, and factors that separate a headache from migraine attacks.


Foods to Eat and Avoid for Gout Patients

Gout is a type of arthritis that causes inflammation and pain in the joints. It occurs when there is a uric acid build up, typically in the ankles, toes, and knees. It is estimated that more than 3% of the adults in the country suffer from this condition. While there are medications that can treat symptoms of gout, the following traditional and alternative treatments can also help in effectively managing its symptoms.


Stagewise Treatment for Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is the tumorous growth of infected cells in the tissue of the cervix that connects the uterus and vagina. Those normally at risk are women aged between 35 and 40. Cervical cancer is also caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection diagnosed among most women at risk. However, it is possible to contain the spread of cancer to some extent in its individual stages. Here’s a brief overview of treatment options.


6 Human Foods Safe to Feed Dogs

Worried about what you can feed your dog? You can feed them more than just kibbles, wet food, and packaged treats. Certain human foods are perfectly safe for your furry ones to eat. These are nutritious as well as taste good. Add these foods to your dog’s diet without stressing about their digestive health.


6 Best and Worst Essential Oils for Pets

Typically extracted from plants, essential oils are known to have several health benefits. Many pet parents often use these oils as a form of holistic treatment for their fur babies. Issues such as separation anxiety, behavioral problems, and arthritis can be managed with the careful use of essential oils. However, not all essential oils are good for animals; some can be toxic too. Here are a few best and worst essential oils for pets.


Common Types and Causes of Allergies in Dogs

Just like humans, dogs can be allergic to certain environmental elements and even foods. Our furry friends may not know how to communicate with words, but there they sure show signs of discomfort like itching, fever, and hair fall. A responsible pet parent should keep an eye out for such signs of allergies in their pets to ensure timely treatment. Here are some of the most common types and causes of allergies in dogs.


4 Nutrients Healthy Cat Treats Must Have

Ingredients are vital contents of cat treats and snacks. Unless your cat is on a specific diet, it is imperative that they get the required nutrients. Optimum nutrition will help keep your cat healthy and active. It is also important to feed the cats according to their body weight to avoid obesity and its related health conditions. Here are some nutrients to look for while buying healthy treats for your cats.