
6 Best and Worst Essential Oils for Pets

Typically extracted from plants, essential oils are known to have several health benefits. Many pet parents often use these oils as a form of holistic treatment for their fur babies. Issues such as separation anxiety, behavioral problems, and arthritis can be managed with the careful use of essential oils. However, not all essential oils are good for animals; some can be toxic too. Here are a few best and worst essential oils for pets.


Lavender oil
This is quite a versatile essential oil that is good for pets as well as humans. The scent of lavender oil is known to be calming. It has healing properties. This oil has been used for treating allergies and insomnia. Pets who experience anxiety or motion sickness during car rides can get a lot of relief from lavender oil.

Cedarwood oil
This is one of the best essential oils for pets. Cedarwood oil can be quite useful since it acts as a pest repellant. In addition, the scent of this oil aids in respiration and blood circulation. Moreover, it has a calming effect on pets, especially those that are agitated. Cedarwood oil has been known to have a diuretic effect as well. It also supports hair health, helping to keep your pet’s coat shiny and soft.

Chamomile oil
For humans, nothing is as relaxing as a cup of warm chamomile tea. The soothing fragrance of this oil is good for pets. Chamomile oil is effective in calming down an irritated or annoyed cat or dog at home. Moreover, it works well in helping to give relief from an upset stomach. Pets that are reluctant to socialize or are shy, reticent, or fearful may also feel calm with the scent of chamomile oil.

Citrus oil
One of the worst oils for pets is citrus oils. These have a toxic effect on both cats and dogs. Common citrus oils such as d-limonene and linalool have insecticidal properties. If ingested by your pet, these oils will metabolize in the liver. This can cause toxicity, which might lead to poisoning. Long-term effects include liver damage and liver failure as well.

Tea tree
Products that have diluted or low concentrations of tea tree oil do not cause problems with pets. However, using 100% pure tea tree oil can be toxic. It can be harmful if applied directly to their skin. Tea tree oil can result in severe poisoning. The use of this oil can also lead to ataxia, salivation, lethargy, coma and tremor in pets.

Garlic-based oils
Bulbous veggies such as garlic and onion are toxic for cats and dogs. This makes garlic-based oils the worst for pets. These oils contain compounds known as thiosulphate and disulfides. These compounds lead to damage of the red blood cells. This can cause hemolytic anemia in pets.


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