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5 Simple Day to Night Makeup Tips

With blurring boundaries between work and personal life, it gets challenging to manage time and get ready when you have a night out planned right after work. A work-appropriate look is, well, only appropriate for work. Evenings out call for a fun, casual, and glamorous look. But how can you transition from a daytime look to an evening look without much hassle? We have some tips.


6 Natural Ways to Whiten Teeth at Home

Teeth become yellow or discolored due to several factors: eating certain foods, taking medications, age, or even drinking too much tea or coffee. To rectify this problem and whiten their teeth, many flock to dentists and undergo different medical procedures. But you will be surprised to know that there are several ways to naturally whiten teeth at home. The following tips will bring back your teeth’ shine and save you a lot of time and money.


5 Main Types of Plastic Surgeries Explained

Modern medicine and use of today’s innovations in technology allow doctors and specialists to perform cosmetic procedures that completely enhance a person’s appearance. From head to toe, these surgical and non-surgical methods can correct, improve, strengthen, and tone the body to one’s satisfaction. Note that most of these surgeries are expensive and some must be done multiple times to get the desired effect. The five most popular reconstructive surgeries are discussed herein.


4 Natural Remedies for Hair Growth

Lifestyle, stress, personal choices, and improper diets are among the top trigger factors for hair fall among men and women of all ages. If left undiagnosed, it can even lead to premature balding. Adopting certain lifestyle changes and trying out a few natural home remedies can arrest hair fall and promote healthy hair growth. A few of these tips are mentioned below.


6 Makeup Tips for a Younger Looking Skin

Embracing fine lines and wrinkles with every year passing by can be challenging. While many things can be done every day for better skin, managing to make the skin look amazing with flawless makeup despite aging, requires expert tips. Following are some of the most useful makeup tips that can be opted for looking younger.


5 Easy Tips for a Smooth Shave for Women

Trying to get a smooth shave can often be a hit or miss. The result is not always good; things can get quite prickly after a couple of days. Shaving often is not ideal, with time constraints. However, shaving differently sure helps in getting smoother results. Here are some useful tips on how to get a smooth shave every time.


11 Tips to Top the Lipstick Game

Most individuals spend hours perfecting their eyeshadow game and even longer knowing exactly how to apply a highlighter. But strangely, lipstick application is something most people believe is easy till they try to swipe it on. Even if you have found the most stunning colors and luscious textures, the product can get overwhelming. To help you out with this issue, here are 12 tips on how to apply lipstick perfectly.


6 Beneficial Hair Products to Reduce Dandruff

It is common to have dandruff at some point. Dry weather, oily scalp, unhealthy diet, stress, and various other factors can cause the scalp to become flaky. It causes intense inflammation, redness, and itchiness. Hair fall is also common. The good news is that dandruff can be easily treated at home. Here are a few effective hair care products that reduce dandruff.