
10 Cities Arthritis Patients Should Avoid

Environmental factors can have a direct impact on certain health conditions like arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease. It causes inflammation, stiffness, and pain in the joints, thereby weakening them and causing excruciating pain. Hence, apart from medical treatment and dietary changes, it is also important to choose a location that does not aggravate its symptoms. The following are ten cities with climates that are not good for arthritis patients.

Duluth, Minnesota
Duluth is one of the worst places to live with arthritis in the US. The snow plummets the temperature below zero degrees during winters and its proximity to the Great Lakes does not help the symptoms either.

Tampa, Florida
Florida is one of the warmest states of the country, which can be good for aching joints, if not for the fact that some of its cities are also prone to facing multiple hurricanes throughout the year. Sudden changes in the air pressure can increase joint pain and sensitivity.

Buffalo, New York
This is yet another one of the worst states to live in with arthritis. Cities like Buffalo witness some of the most severe snowstorms in the country with single digit and below zero-degree temperatures in the winters. The frigid temperatures can increase the risk of suffering from arthritis.

Mobile, Alabama
Mobile experiences at least 70 days of stormy weather due to variable atmospheric pressure, making it one of the toughest cities to live in for arthritis patients.

Marquette, Michigan
The city is situated along the coast of Lake Superior, which results in frigid winters with extreme temperatures of -34 degrees Fahrenheit. This can be problematic for arthritis patients.

Lake Charles, Louisiana
The state suffers from some of the most severe storms in our country. More storms mean more changes in the air pressure. Additionally, excessive moisture and constant flooding can worsen arthritis symptoms. Lake Charles in Louisiana is one of those cities that experiences periodic flooding and a fair amount of moisture, which can make It difficult for arthritis patients to lead a regular life.

Hurlon, South Dakota
Huron is ranked as the coldest city in the southern part of the state. The city has very short summers, which means residents have to face frigid temperatures for the rest of the year. This makes it one of the unfavorable cities to live with arthritis.

Aberdeen, South Dakota
Aberdeen is the 6th coldest city in the entire country. The average temperature during winters is 1.5 Fahrenheit, making the climate unsuitable for arthritis symptoms.

New England, Massachusetts
New England in Massachusetts is known for its chilly winters. However, it also faces excess rainfall. The cold and damp weather during a major part of the year increases the symptoms of the autoimmune condition.

Jackson, Mississippi
it is one of the dampest cities in the country. The intense humidity and moisture can increase the risk of arthritis, and also aggravate existent symptoms. Hence, it is important to take the necessary precautions in case one cannot move out.


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